精神的にも経営的にも大きなダメージを受けたクラスターですが、これを契機として良い方向に進んだこともありました。まずは院内digital transformation (Dx)化や看護体制が変化したことがあげられます。もともと当院では看護師さんやリハビリセラピストさんはスマートフォンを持ち、各種記録には音声入力システムが使えるようになっていました。なかなかシステムが浸透せずにいましたが今回のクラスターでは不特定多数が使用するキーボードの使用が制限されたため急速に音声入力が浸透しました。また看護師さんの申し送りを出来るだけ短くするように(できれば15分以内)指導されたために、この時間もかなり短くなりました。そもそもナースステーションに看護師さんが集まることも制限され、ナースステーションそのものが必要なのかという議論にもなりました。病棟間での人事異動が長年スムーズにいかなかったのですが、多くの濃厚接触者が出たことによって病棟間の人事異動が進み、病棟間の垣根が低くなったのは嬉しい誤算でした。何よりも本当の意味でウイズコロナを考えるようになりましたし、保健所からの感染制御に関する指導は大変勉強になりました。事務も含めた病院全体の結束が一層強まったことも大きな収穫でした。この経験は今後必ず役に立つと考えています。
クラスターを契機に当院はコロナ専用病棟を作ることとしました。6月21日に病床の運用が始まります。今まではwithoutコロナを目指していましたが、脳卒中救急を継続するにはwithoutコロナでは難しいと判断し、withコロナへと方針転換をしました。今後脳卒中with コロナの患者さんを積極的に受け入れるつもりです。クラスターを経験して強くなった柏葉会に期待していただきたいと思います。
Last month, there was Covid-19-infection cluster at our hospital. It lasted for a one- month and we were not able to accept emergency cases or admit new patients for hospitalization, and the bed occupancy rate dropped to less than 50%.
It was a struggle to handle the situation as it was our first experience with a Covid-19-infection cluster., However, thanks to the kind support of many people, I realized that this experience united us more day by day. Finally, on June 14, we declared that the cluster was resolved, and our hospital is slowly returning to its previous state of practice.
Even though this cluster posed a great stress on our staff’s mental well-being and the hospital’s management, I believe that it led to some positive changes.
First, it raised awareness of the need for digital transformation (Dx) in the hospital and nursing setting. Prior to the cluster, voice input systems for various recording were used by nurses and rehabilitation therapists despite having been supplied smartphones for using such systems.
However, during handling of the cluster, keyboard use was restricted to avoid the same keyboard being used by large numbers of staff. Consequently, the voice inputting system was rapidly put to use. Furthermore, nurses were directed to hand over as promptly as possible (preferably within 15 minutes), and the time taken for handover was shortened considerably. Gathering at the nurse station was also restricted, and we debated over the need for the nurse station. And we learnt a lot about infection control under guidance from the health center All divisions in our hospital worked cohesively together akin to a single team and we believe that this experience will be helpful in the future.
Pursuant to the cluster, our hospital decided to dedicate a ward to Covid-19 cases and. bed operation began on June 21st. Previously , we had adopted a policy of “Without Covid-19”, where only stroke patients without Covid-19 were treated in our hospital . However, we have decided to change the policy to “With Covid-19”, where stroke patients with or without Covid-19 are treated in our hospital, enabling all our stroke patients to continue their emergency stroke medicine and thus do our part to contribute to our society. I would like you to look forward to the Hakuyokai, which has become stronger after having experienceding the cluster.